Forms and Reports
- CAD-PEL-OB-N143 - Application for initial/recurrent evaluation of a flight simulation training device (expect BITD);
- CAD-PEL-OB-N144 - CAD FSTD Evaluation report;
- EASA Form 145 - Qualification certificate;
- CAD-PEL-OB- LP-805 - Assessment of compliance of monitoring system (FSTD) according GM2 ORA.FSTD.100.
Regulations and Instructions
- Regulation on Aircrew („Official Gazzette of the RS“, no. 33/13 and 61/15) that transposes Commission Regulation 290/2012, 70/2014, 245/2014 and 445/2015;
- Acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material - PART-ORA;
- Acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material - PART-ORA Amendment 1;
- Acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material - PART-ORA Amendment 2;
- Acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material - PART-ORA Amendment 3;
- Certification Standard CS-FSTD(A);
- Certification Standard CS-FSTD(H).