Civil Aviation Directorate
of the Republic of Serbia - 10.03.2025 11:34:44

Safety order 01_24: takeoff from LYBE 12L (and 12R) prohibited for IL-76 and aircraft with noise certificate below Stage 3, link  Republic administrative fee is 1090,00 RSD as of 01.08.2024.  Owner/user or the operater of unmanned aircraft shall submit, as parties in the administrative procedure, request for approval of unmanned aircraft directly or through authorized respresentative  Follow the link for new editions of the Airworthiness Department forms 

Aviation Medicine Group

Aeromedical section implements medical requirements for aviation personnel. Medical fitness of aviation personnel is determined by aeromedical examinations with purpose to exercise safely privilleges from their licences.
It is of great importance for aviation safety and at the same time for keeping medical fitness during their professional career.
  • Aeromedical section tasks:
  • Follow up on standards, recommendations and regulations of international organizations in area of aviation medicine;
  • Establishing of medical requirements -aeromedical assessments of aviation personnel;
  • Certification of aeromedical examiners and aeromedical centers;
  • Inspections and audits of aeromedical examiners and aeromedical centers;
  • Medical assessments review;
  • Issuing of medical certificates, limitations, exemptions, suspensions;
  • Education of AMEs in area of aviation medicine;
  • Cooperation with other competent authorities and with Ministry of health in RS in implementation of standards for best medical practice within the country.


1. Regulation on licences, Training Centers and Medical Fitness of Flight and Cabin Crew (“Officail Gazette RS” No 53/23) based on :
2. Regulation on air traffic controller`s licences, training organisations and aero-medical centres ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No 83/15 and 18/16, 71/17) based on :
3. ICAO Annex 1-Ammendment 175, chapter 6 Medical Provisions-Standards and recommended practice