Опширније информације о епидемијама и њиховом ширењу путем ваздушног саобраћаја могу се наћи у разним стручним документима, а посебно у:
- ICAO Doc. 7300, Convention on International Civil Aviation
- ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) — Air Traffic Management
- ICAO Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft – Medical Supplies
- ICAO - CAPSCA, Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation
- ICAO - CAPSCA, Attachment to EB 2014/54, Information on Preparedness Planning and Response in the Aviation Sector
- ACI and ICAO - Airport Preparedness Guidelines for Outbreaks of Communicable Disease,Rev. April 2009
- ECAC, Recommendation ECAC/29-2, Prevention of the Spread of Communicable Diseases by Means of Air Travel, Јuly 2007
- ECAC letter EC 9/14.37-618, 1 July 2007; Annex 1, List of National Contact Points for Aviation Preparedness
- Eurocontrol EACCC - Ebola update, 16 October 2014
- WHO, Aviation Guide to Hygiene and Sanitation in Aviation
- WHO, West Africa Ebola Virus Disease, Travel and Transport Risk Assessment: Recommendation for Public Health Authorities and Transport Sector
- WHO Technical Advice for Clase Мanagement of Influenza A(H1N1) in Аir Тransport
- IATA - Recommendation Operational Procedures for Aviation Operators
- IATA - Guidelines for Air Crew to Manage a Suspected Communicable Disease or Other Public Health Emergency on Board
- IATA guideline for cleaning crew for an arriving aircraft with a suspected case of communicable diseases
НАПОМЕНА: За оперативне потребе обавезно утврдити послeдњу, ажурну верзију документа.