In the event of cancellation, operating airline is liable to offer passengers one of the two options: re-routing, or full cost compensation. Airline that has cancelled flight shall offer passengers re-routing, under comparable transport conditions, to their final destination at the earliest opportunity. The alternative flight may be of later date, in case the passenger finds it acceptable. All passengers with flight cancellation have the right to compensation.
In the event of flight cancellation due to air carrier’s fault, passenger may request the protection of his/her rights and compensation in case the flight has been cancelled for one of the following reasons:
• operational reasons;
• crew flight time limitations;
• passenger has not checked in due to overbooking (the air carrier has sold more seats than available, usually due to change of aircraft type);
• the flight is unprofitable due to low interest;
• air carrier cannot provide the reasons for flight cancellation.
The air carrier is not liable for cancellation of a flight when the reason is one or more of the following:
• Weather conditions;
• Natural disasters;
• Military operations;
• State of emergency;
• Restrictions on free movement- derogations based on various considerations;
• Civil aviation staff (air traffic controllers, ground handlers, agents…) holding a demonstration;
• Aircraft defects that pose threat to passenger safety, except for the defects that might have been fixed by regular aircraft maintenance.
In the event of cancellation, the air carrier is liable to:
• deliver notice on passenger rights in accordance with the Law (usually included in e-ticket- international practice for the purpose of avoiding printing new papers for each cancelled flight);
• offer the passenger concerned to choose between the cash compensation for the full cost of the ticket (if you have decided not to travel), or re-routing;
• offer the passenger concerned meals and refreshments in a reasonable relation to the waiting time and free of charge, as set forth by company procedure;
• provide hotel accommodation, transport between the airport and place of accomodation, where a stay of one or more nights becomes necessary;
• provide free of charge two telephone calls, telex or fax messages or e-mails;
• compensate (the amount of money between EUR 250 and EUR 600, depending on the duration of the flight and the time of flight delay during re-routing).
• offer the passenger concerned to choose between the cash compensation for the full cost of the ticket (if you have decided not to travel), or re-routing;
• offer the passenger concerned meals and refreshments in a reasonable relation to the waiting time and free of charge, as set forth by company procedure;
• provide hotel accommodation, transport between the airport and place of accomodation, where a stay of one or more nights becomes necessary;
• provide free of charge two telephone calls, telex or fax messages or e-mails;
• compensate (the amount of money between EUR 250 and EUR 600, depending on the duration of the flight and the time of flight delay during re-routing).
If the flight has been delayed for a definite period of time due to unpredictable circumstances, it is considered long delay. Each delay for less than two hours is considered usual and acceptable in air transport. Airlines are not liable to passengers in such case.
Liabilities of airlines to their passengers have been defined by the time period and travel distance. All passengers have the right to care which varies depending on the time period of delay. In all cases of long delay, passengers are entitled to meal and refreshments in a reasonable relation to the waiting time, free of charge. In situations when waiting time is at least one day upon the previously announced time of departure, passengers are entitled to hotel or any other accommodation as well as transfer to and from the airport.
Denied boarding
Any passenger who has in possession a plane ticket and who has checked in for the flight on time, has the right to board the plane. However, a passenger can be denied boarding due to overbooking as well as for other reasons.
When necessary, airline first calls for volounteers willing to surrender their reservations. In exchange, these volunteers should be able to either obtain reimbursement of their tickets or to obtain re-routing under similar conditions to the ones they have planned and within the shortest time span. The passenger who voluntarily surrenders the reservation has the right to negotiate benefits with the representatives of operating airline.
When necessary, airline first calls for volounteers willing to surrender their reservations. In exchange, these volunteers should be able to either obtain reimbursement of their tickets or to obtain re-routing under similar conditions to the ones they have planned and within the shortest time span. The passenger who voluntarily surrenders the reservation has the right to negotiate benefits with the representatives of operating airline.
When re-routing to an alternative flight, passenger has the right to airport staff assistance in a reasonable relation to the waiting time for a new flight. Passenger who deliberately decides not to travel is not entitled to compensation.
Where there are no volunuteers willing to surrender their reservations, airline officers can deny boarding to some passengers. Where passengers are denied boarding against their will, they have the right to the same priviliges as in the case of cancellation.
Passenger whose checked baggage has not arrived at the final destination, reports missing baggage at the specially designated counter. Passenger reporting missing baggage must submit plane ticket with a baggage tag. Each baggage tag is attached to the appropriate plane ticket by a check-in officer.
After the passenger reports missing baggage, Lost & Found service draws up a "record on missing baggage". The record covers information about the size, shape and content of the missing bag as well as passenger contact information.
In case of loss of or damage to baggage, passenger is entitled to compensation by the airline. Maximum amount of baggage compensation has been laid down by the Montreal Convention. Airlines also define the amount of compensation by themselves and they accept only reasonable expenses.
For futher information about your privileges contact the representative of operating airline