Professional experience day in the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia

The Director of the Directorate, Mirjana Cizmarov, welcomed the students of final years of studies at the Faculty of Traffic and Mechanical Engineering of Belgrade University and expressed hope that their experience would be positive, emphasizing that their already acquired knowledge will be upgraded and advanced following the internship.
The students were addressed by the Assistant Directors of the Directorate, Aleksandar Godic - Air Operations, Airworthiness and Flight Crew Licensing; and Zlatko Miscevic - Air Navigation, Airports, and Aviation Security, who explained the competencies of these critical divisions because the interns are to try themselves out in these departments.
This student internship came as the result of the Directorate`s initiative, launched in 2016, in cooperation with the Faculty of Transportation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Belgrade to encourage education and internship in civil aviation for the most talented and successful students.