Aviation Personnel Department performs administrative, regulatory, inspection and audit activities and the related legislative, legal and analytical tasks pertaining to aeronautical personnel, aeronautical training organizations, flight training devices, and their operators regarding:
- Making of aviation regulations in accordance with the international conventions, standards and recommended practices pertaining to aviation personnel, training organizations, flight training devices and their operators;
- Establishing competence of aeronautical training organizations;
- Outlining and developing the training programs for aviation personnel licenses, authorizations and certificates; deciding on whether the requirements, conditions, criteria and standards that are applied during carrying out of aeronautical personnel proficiency checks have been met;
- Establishing of eligibility requirements for the aviation personnel proficiency test;
- Recognition of foreign training, licenses, authorizations and certificates;
- Recognition of military service training and ranks;
- Monitoring of standards, recommendations and other international organizations regulations in the field of aviation personnel;
For more detail on primary and secondary legislation please refer to the Regulations section.