Civil Aviation Directorate
of the Republic of Serbia - 10.03.2025 12:37:23

Safety order 01_24: takeoff from LYBE 12L (and 12R) prohibited for IL-76 and aircraft with noise certificate below Stage 3, link  Republic administrative fee is 1090,00 RSD as of 01.08.2024.  Owner/user or the operater of unmanned aircraft shall submit, as parties in the administrative procedure, request for approval of unmanned aircraft directly or through authorized respresentative  Follow the link for new editions of the Airworthiness Department forms 

News from website

COVID 19 - Notice to passengers

Sunday, 26.04.2020.
COVID 19 - Notice to passengers

 Under the Decision on Declaring Emergency Situation ( Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia Nos 31 / 2020, 36/2020, 38/2020, 39/2020) and the Regulation on Emergency Measures (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia Nos 31/2020, 36/2020, 38/2020, 39/2020) the Government of the Republic of Serbia suspended air operations in the Republic of Serbia for all commercial flights.

As the situation caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic affected all air carriers without exception, the European Commission published a document titled  “Interpretative Guidelines on EU passenger rights regulations in the context of the ongoing situation regarding COVID-19”, Brussels 18/3/2020 C (2020 ) 1830 final, which states, among other things:

where public authorities take measures intended to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, such measures are by their nature and origin not inherent in the normal exercise of the activity of carriers and are outside their actual control respectively "is caused" by extraordinary circumstances, which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken.

Accordingly, passengers' compensation claims will be treated in accordance with the circumstances of the emergency, which relieves the carrier of the obligation to pay the passengers damages.


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