Safety directive

On 13 April 2020, the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia issued the safety directive 01/2020 regarding national operators operating the international emergency public air services, foreign operators operating the international emergency public air services to the Republic of Serbia, and to national and foreign operators operating non-commercial flights in international air services.
The purpose for issuing this safety directive was to prevent the outbreak and spread of COVID-19, its further suppression, and protection of the citizens due to entry of foreign nationals in the territory of the Republic of Serbia that are coming in on flights operated by international and national operators in the international non-scheduled operations or non-commercial operations in the international air services to the Republic of Serbia.
Pursuant to the Decision declaring COVID-19 an infectious disease, these operators are obliged to forward the list of passengers they have accepted for carriage, with their appropriate citizenship information specified in the travel documents to the Directorate of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Serbia, the aerodrome operator of the destination aerodrome, the Border Police units and border sanitary inspection at the appropriate aerodrome in the Republic of Serbia and to SMATSA on the following e-mail addresses:
Further details on this safety order issued by the Directorate of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Serbia can be seen here.