The Directorate participates in the work of international aviation organizations, institutions, and their auxiliary bodies and co-operates with the authorities of other countries in accordance with the Air Transport Law.
Over the past ten years we had been working intensively to improve international co-operation and successfully achieved that, particularly as regards the European integration in the field of aviation, which continues to have the highest priority.
International activities are performed through:
- Participation in the international aviation organizations and their working bodies where the Republic of Serbia has the full membership or observer status, to actively monitor the developments in the field of international civil aviation, fulfilling the obligations deriving from memberships to ICAO, ECAC, EUROCONTROL, EASA;
- Cooperation with the European Commission, primarily with the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) and the EU Delegation to Serbia, in order to monitor the implementation of the Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of a European Common Aviation Area (ECAA Agreement);
- Improvement of bilateral cooperation to ensure the conditions for establishing a new routes network for the Air Serbia domestic air carrier, both for direct routes, and participation in other commercial arrangements.
Cooperation with the international aviation organizations
A significant part of the international activities of the Directorate is based on the membership of the Republic of Serbia in international aviation organizations and active participation of the Directorate`s representatives in the work of these organizations and agencies, as well as the implementation of obligations arising from such memberships. Memberships in the international aviation organizations stipulate that the civil aviation system in the Republic of Serbia must be arranged in accordance with the obligations arising from the ratified international multilateral and bilateral agreements. The Republic of Serbia is the member of the following international organizations:
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO);
- European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC);
- European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL).
The Republic of Serbia is a party to over 30 multilateral agreements in the field of civil aviation, most notably the Chicago Convention of 1944, its associated protocols comprising the "Chicago" system for regulating civil aviation, including the Montreal Convention of 1999, regulating the international transport of persons, luggage or goods performed by aircraft and compensations for damages in this respect.
Cooperation with the European Union in the field of aviation and European Integrations
The Directorate coordinates the cooperation with the European Commission in the field of aviation. Extensive cooperation takes place both on bilateral and multilateral levels, and the basis for those is the Agreement between Serbia and Montenegro and the European Community on certain aspects of air services (i.e. the Horizontal Agreement) and the Multilateral Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, the Kingdom of Norway, Romania, the Republic of Serbia and the UN Interim Administration The United Nations Mission in Kosovo (under UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 10 June 1999) on the establishment of a European Common Aviation Area (the so-called ECAA agreement.
The ECAA agreement was signed on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia on 29 June 2006, and ratified by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on 13 May 2009.
The ECAA agreement represents the first international agreement signed by the Republic of Serbia as an independent state following the collapse of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. Under this agreement, the Republic of Serbia is committed to harmonizing its national regulations with the EC ones in the areas of aviation safety, security, air traffic management, airport management, and consumer protection, liberalization of the aviation market, avoidance of state aid and environmental protection.
The progress made since 2006 in implementation of the Agreement has been regularly assessed by the European Commission. Full implementation, which is expected to take place over the next few years will lead to full integration of our aviation system into that of the European Union.
The complex and intensive cooperation has been achieved with the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE) which is responsible for implementing and monitoring the mentioned agreements. In addition, as a national coordinator for the implementation of the ECAA agreement, we cooperate with all ministries and authorities of the Republic of Serbia who are responsible, under this Agreement, for the implementation of the same. We also coordinate the technical assistance programs provided by the European Commission with the aim of implementing the ECAA Agreement.
Furthermore, we are intensively cooperating with the EASA, a European agency founded with the mission to provide a high and consistent level of aviation safety and environmental protection in the EU Member States.
European Integrations
The Directorate has focused a significant part of its activities on achieving the strategic objective of the Republic of Serbia, i.e. the EU accession. In determining the priority for adopting the regulations into account was taken the implementation of the Action Plan for meeting the recommendations of the European Commission contained in the annual reports on the progress that the Republic of Serbia has made when it comes to the European integration process.
Special attention was paid to cooperation with the national institutions responsible for European integration in order to meet the obligations stemming both from the ECAA and the Stabilization and Association agreements in the field of air transport.
The initial step towards European integration in the field of air transport was the conclusion of the Agreement between Serbia and Montenegro and the European Community on certain aspects of air navigation (Horizontal Agreement) signed in 2005.
Bilateral cooperation
The Directorate cooperates with the civil aviation authorities of other states, including air operators and other aviation entities.
Conclusion and implementation of air services bilateral agreements is the most important form of the Republic of Serbia`s bilateral cooperation in the field of civil aviation, given that such agreements establish a legal framework for operating air services with the states which are not signatories to the ECAA.